Who We Are

The Southwest Housing Providers Group (SWHPG) is a group of housing and service providers who are focused on multi-family properties in the Southwest side of Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.   Our goal is to create advocacy for housing providers so their needs are heard, create a community with networking opportunities, and to educate building owners to manage their business and maintain their properties so they can succeed.

The group was founded by Jaquelina Jablonski, Ivan Hernandez, and Andy Dollif. Jackie and Ivan were looking to create a networking and educational group on the Southwest side, where they own properties and grew up. Andy was also interested in being involved in a group on the Southwest side of Chicago and had been part of other NBOA groups; he was a founding member of the Northwest Side of Chicago group. When they connected through the NBOA and saw that their goals were aligned, they immediately decided to join forces to create the SWHPG. This happened in February 2023.

The founders are dedicated to hosting a networking community that educates Housing Providers by demonstrating the right way to conduct business. Their mission is to change the harsh image that has been imposed on housing providers by aligning forces with industry leaders. They aim to provide education, resources, and answers to tough questions.

After the formation of SWHPG, the group initiated hosting networking events, including meetups, with the support of sponsors, the board of directors, and members. Our inaugural meeting took place in May 2023, attracting around 20 participants. Since then, our community has grown to include over 60 participants. We are committed to continuing our efforts in providing value through education, support, and networking opportunities for housing providers and industry leaders on the Southwest side of Chicago. It's important to note that everyone is welcomed into our community. Support will always be available to all who need it.

SWHPG is a Proud Member of the NBOA

Our group joined the Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance (NBOA) in August 2023 during their annual Summer Soiree event. The NBOA serves the members of its eleven community building owner affiliates, and we are one of them! Like these affiliates, the NBOA is a forum for information, professional development, and networking.

Additionally, the NBOA advocates on behalf of small and mid-sized housing providers. Its team of professionals works to share the story of neighborhood housing in the media and lobby public officials to ensure housing providers are included in housing policy.

Areas of Focus

  • Advocacy

    Ensure neighborhood building owners’ viewpoints are heard - we are stonger together (e.g. NBOA), working together with government officials and community organizations to advocate on issues impacting our industry.

  • Community

    Provide networking opportunities for building owners, service providers, community groups, and government officials.

  • Education

    Share best practices to help building owners manage their business and maintain their properties; good housing providers help improve the community in a variety of ways and more people need to know this; help any “bad apples” change the way they operate.

"Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."

— Mattie Stepanek